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Ophthalmologist from South Korea operates Kyrgyzstanis free of charge

An ophthalmologist from South Korea held master classes and charitable surgeries in Kyrgyzstan, the press center of the Ministry of Health said.

According to it, on 18-19 December, Dr. M. Shin from the Sacred Heart Clinic of the Hallym International University visited Kyrgyzstan. During this time, he conducted 40 examinations and consultations, as well as 17 charitable operations for Kyrgyzstanis.

All the supplies the professor brought with him. The operations were free of charge.

In 2016, two doctors from Kyrgyzstan — Nurlan Turgunbaev and Nurbek Makeev visited South Korea for a six-month internship. In early 2017, another medical worker, Gulzad Omorova, attended a three-month course in South Korea.
