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Traffic accident in Moscow. PM invites injured to Kyrgyzstan for rehabilitation

The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev, invited the people, who were injured in the traffic accident in Moscow, to Kyrgyzstan for rehabilitation and rest. The Information Support Department of the government reported.

According to it, Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev instructed the Minister of Internal Affairs Kashkar Dzhunushaliev, who will leave for Russia in the coming days, to visit the injured.

«The happened should not become an occasion for persecution and harassment of our citizens working in Russia. This is an accident. On behalf of the government, I ask you to apologize to the victims and invite them for rehabilitation to Kyrgyzstan. We have excellent conditions for restoring their health. We are ready to cover all the costs for organizing the rest of the victims,» the head of government stressed.

The Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev instructed the Minister of Internal Affairs to meet with the culprit of the incident Chyngiz Anarbek uulu and to resolve the issue of rendering him qualified legal assistance.

A criminal case was opened against Chyngiz Anarbek uulu. He committed the traffic accident, which resulted in injury of eight people. The management of the taxi company, where the Kyrgyz worked, is ready to pay for the treatment of the injured.

The Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Moscow told 24.kg news agency that diplomats would visit the victims and ask them to write a counter statement, so that Chyngiz Anarbek uulu not to be brought to criminal responsibility.
