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Ministry of Agriculture proposes to impose moratorium on sugar exports

The Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan proposes to impose a ban on sugar exports outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union to ensure food security of the republic. The corresponding draft document of the Cabinet of Ministers was submitted for public discussion.

As the background statement says, the document is designed to ensure food security of the country, prevent critical shortages of agricultural goods and prompt response to internal and external threats to the stability of the food market of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Sugar stocks in warehouses to date amount to 74,000 tons. Together with the quota for the import of Russian sugar in the amount of 28,500 tons, it is about 102,500 tons with an annual demand of 145,700.

«In order to avoid excessive demand due to the growth of market prices, and given the temporary bans on the export of cane or beet sugar in Russia and Kazakhstan, it is necessary to impose a temporary ban on the export from Kyrgyzstan (except for re-export, transit, humanitarian aid provided by the Cabinet) of white sugar outside the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union until the new harvest,» the ministry suggests.
