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Last bell to ring at schools of Kyrgyzstan on May 25

The last bell will ring at schools of the republic on May 25. The Ministry of Education informed 24.kg news agency.

The students of the 9th grade and schoolchildren, who have six-day school week, will have lessons also within three days after the last bell. The educational process for this category of schoolchildren was extended due to forced winter vacations. Recall, in January, due to the breakdown at the Bishkek Heating and Power Plant and the cold weather, the educational process at the schools of the republic was suspended from January 26 to January 30.

This year, the Ministry of Education failed to switch the 9th grade students to five-day school week, since the teaching load in the basic curriculum is 32 hours.

«According to the order of the Minister of Education, festive events must be held at 10.00 am. All other activities — going out into nature, restaurants — are prohibited. School administrations were informed about it,» officials said.
