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School principals to be selected in new way in Kyrgyzstan

Acceptance of documents for the competition to fill vacant positions of heads of state and municipal general education organizations will begin from March 4, 2024 in Kyrgyzstan. Deputy Minister of Education and Science Murat Kasymaliev announced at a press conference.

According to him, 375 positions are vacant today. They will be filled according to the new regulation.

Ainura Kuseyinova, chief specialist of the Department of School and Extracurricular Education of the Ministry of Education and Science, said that several changes have been made to the regulation. For example, those who have a continuous teaching experience of not less than seven years in a general educational organization can participate in it.

At the same time, a person should work as a school principal or deputy principal for two years.

«Now candidates who have an outstanding criminal record or in case their cases are considered in the judicial bodies have no right to participate in the competition. They will be able to participate in the competition after a court decision on their innocence. The term of service as a director is set at ten years. One candidate may compete for the post of principal in the same school twice. There are no age limits for participation in the competition. A candidate who failed the competition can reapply only after one year,» Ainura Kuseyinova said.

Baktygul Shamshidinova, Director of the National Center for Education Quality Assessment and Information Technology, said that the competition for vacancies would be held in two stages. At the first one, acceptance and examination of documents will take place, and at the second one — testing.

«In the past competitions, almost 30 percent of submitted documents did not pass the expert examination, this year we expect a better result. No one from the outside will be able to interfere in the testing process. Everything will be secret and secure. We will officially announce the names after the candidates pass the test,» Baktygul Shamshidinova said.