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Switch to 12-year education: Education Ministry develops roadmap

A working group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan is developing a roadmap for a phased switch to 12-year education. The Minister Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva announced at a press conference.

A new state program Altyn Kazyk is being implemented to transform school education, and the transfer of school education to a 12-year model will become its main focus, she said.

The main goal is to comply with the level of the world education system. At least 150 of the 193 UN countries have a 12-year education system. If Kyrgyzstan switches to the new model, then its graduates will have the opportunity to enter the labor and education markets of 150 countries.

Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva noted that Altyn Kazyk program includes other areas, including strengthening preschool education and purchase of 46 titles of the best textbooks in the natural sciences and English language based on the Cambridge program.

According to the minister, funds for the designated purposes are available.
