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12-year education planned to be introduced in Kyrgyzstan in two stages

The 12-year school education will be introduced in two stages. The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan, submitted for public discussion, says.

The document is supposed to approve a plan of action aimed at modernizing school education (revision of state standards), as well as at preparing the infrastructure of schools, including the improvement of material and technical base and providing with educational and other equipment.

At the first stage, in 2024-2025, it is planned to make appropriate changes to the normative legal acts in the field of education and health care, revise the programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, as well as programs of professional education aimed at training and retraining of teaching staff.

At this stage, it is also planned to conduct an analysis of existing teaching and learning complexes (textbooks and manuals for teachers) and to purchase textbooks of international educational programs in STEM areas, including computer science and English, with mandatory adaptation and subsequent replication.

At the same time, it is planned to develop a concept of 12-year general school education and an action plan for its implementation. The model and structure will be described in detail, as well as the requirements for student competencies and other measures and the timeframe for their implementation.

The second stage will be implemented in 2025-2026 and includes the continuation of work on the replication of teaching and learning materials, improvement of the material and technical base. An improved digital platform will be introduced for the enrollment of children of school-age into the first grade, and work will be completed on the training of teaching staff for both primary schools and high schools.

Adoption of the draft resolution will require additional allocation of money from the republican budget, but the amount is not specified in the background statement.