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School year to start on September 1 in Kyrgyzstan

The school year will start on September 1 in Kyrgyzstan. Press service of the Ministry of Education and Science reported.

Changes were reportedly made to some decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education on August 1, which set the optimal terms for the duration of the academic year at all levels of education in the republic.

«Thus, the academic year in general education organizations, organizations of primary vocational education, secondary vocational education will begin on September 1. Changes are also being made to the dates in the procedure for admission to higher educational institutions,» the ministry added.

In August 2021, by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, the start of the school year was postponed from September 1 to September 15 «in order to ensure the quality of education, a phased transition to offline learning, taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country, as well as creation of favorable conditions for the development of tourism.»
