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Graduates of universities to be employed at Kyrgyzindustriya enterprises

Kyrgyzindustriya JSC will begin to work closely with technical higher education institutions. The company informed 24.kg news agency.

According to its data, the president of the company Jarasul Abduraimov met with Mirlan Chynybaev, rector of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Iskhak Razzakov. Cooperation issues were discussed, in particular in the field of food and processing industry, mechanical engineering and introduction of electronic equipment, mechanical engineering and logistics.

Kyrgyzindustriya will annually file applications to the university for training of the necessary specialists in accordance with modern requirements and participate in the process of training, development of curricula and creation of training materials for training of specialists.

It is planned to build joint testing laboratories, where scientific research will be conducted. Scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions and competitions will be organized. Graduates of the university will be employed at the enterprises of JSC.
