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Shootout at Kyrgyz-Tajik border: Two civilians wounded

Two wounded as a result of an incident on the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border were admitted to Leilek General Medical Practice Center. Press center of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to it, the residents have shrapnel wounds.

«One victim is in the hospital, primary surgical treatment has been carried out, state is moderately severe. The second victim, after providing primary medical care, was sent for outpatient treatment in a satisfactory condition,» the ministry noted.

Wounded border guard was also reported earlier.

Another shootout occurred at night on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border. The border guards of the Republic of Tajikistan opened fire on the servicemen of the Kyrgyz Republic at about 9.17 p.m. during a meeting of border representatives of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, who arrived at the scene of the incident as a reinforcement. After midnight, the parties agreed to withdraw additional forces to the points of their permanent deployment.
