USD 87.45
EUR 90.89
RUB 0.89

166 children injured in traffic accidents in Bishkek since January

At least 150 traffic accidents involving children have occurred from January to mid-May. The Department of the Patrol Police Service of Bishkek reported.

Some 166 minors received various injuries in the traffic accidents.

«Employees of the Department of the Patrol Police Service visited secondary schools in Bishkek and gave lectures on observance of the traffic rules for primary school students. They talked to the schoolchildren and explained how to behave on the roads from the moment they leave the house until they come to school,» the department reported.

At least 88,299 traffic rules violations have been registered in the capital for three months. The number of violations of the traffic rules has increased. At least 29,795 protocols have been drawn up last year for the same period.
