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Employers in Russia owe migrants from Kyrgyzstan 100 million rubles

During the first wave of coronavirus, migrants from Kyrgyzstan were offered about 6,000 job vacancies in Russia. The head of the Representative Office of the State Migration Service of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Russian Federation, Mairambek Beishenov, told at a press conference.

According to him, work to support Kyrgyzstanis during the COVID-19 pandemic continues today. Compatriots were offered 18,500 different vacancies in Moscow, the Moscow Oblast and regions.

«In some cases, our offers were accepted, someone got a job. The vacancy database is updated daily. We contact large employers, confectionery factories, taxi services, construction companies,» he said.

Mairambek Beishenov also noted that Kyrgyzstanis who were not paid salaries by their employers apply to the representative office, the total debt is about 100 million rubles. In this regard, it has already reimbursed more than 45 million to the compatriots as of today.
