USD 87.45
EUR 91.63
RUB 0.97

Computers and electronic equipment production declines in Kyrgyzstan

In 2017, the production of computers, electronic and optical equipment in Kyrgyzstan declined by 65.5 percent. The report of the State Committee of Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2017 says.

According to the agency, the production of wooden and paper items also decreased. Printing activity reduced by 0.4 percent, production of electrical equipment — by 12.3 percent.

The main reasons for this was a decrease in the number of orders for products and insolvency of customers, a shortage of working capital for development, and non-competitiveness of domestic products.

The State Committee of Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use

In 2017, the volume of exports of industrial products amounted to $ 1,790.7 billion, it increased by $217.5 million compared to 2016.
