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Kyrgyzstan not ready for new drugs

Kyrgyzstan turned out to be not ready for new drugs, so law enforcement agencies need to change their working methods. The Director of the Central Asian Drug Policy Center Alexander Zelichenko said at a round table «New drugs and change of drug scene in Central Asia.»

According to him, a few years ago, experts predicted the emergence of new synthetic drugs. However, the state structures of Kyrgyzstan were not ready for this.

Heroin prevailed earlier, and the responsible structures knew how to resist this drug. And now it is necessary to change the system.

Alexander Zelichenko

The production and distribution of «new drugs» is difficult to track. Components can be bought in any drugstore or hardware store, schemes can be found on the Internet, and they can be manufactured in a kitchen. At the same time, even the slightest overdose can lead to death, and the use of synthetic drugs has a catastrophic effect on health, the expert said.

«What should the police, doctors do now? Whom to control and how? You cannot install video cameras near each pharmacy,» said Alexander Zelichenko.
