A Center for Monitoring New Drugs and Psychoactive Substances will be opened at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan. The ministry is submitting for public discussion a draft decree of the Cabinet of Ministers «On the mechanism of early warning about the emergence of new drugs and new psychoactive substances in the Kyrgyz Republic».
This is necessary in order to ensure the safety and health of the population through timely detection and response to threats associated with the spread of new drugs and psychoactive substances, precursors and substitutes for precursors, as well as to minimize risks and reduce harm from their abuse among the population.
The early warning mechanism involves monitoring the circulation of new drugs and new psychoactive substances, precursors and substitutes for precursors and their assessment for inclusion in the list of controlled drugs.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to establish a republican center for monitoring new drugs and new psychoactive substances, precursors and substitutes for precursors and a commission on drugs and drug addiction.