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Uzbekistan launches new international bus routes, including to Kyrgyzstan

The Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan announced the launch of new international bus routes covering several Central Asian countries, including Kyrgyzstan, Podrobno.uz reports.

Among the planned routes are from Andijan to Osh, Jalal-Abad, and Arstanbap, as well as from Kasansay to Jalal-Abad and from Bukhara to Bishkek.

Additionally, new routes will be organized to China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Russia.

«One of the key routes will be a new bus service between Karakalpakstan and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, running along Nukus — Urgench — Bukhara — Urumqi corridor,» the media outlet reports.

The Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan is currently looking for carriers to open these routes.
