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EEU Customs Code. Parliament accuses Cabinet of "political mistake"

Deputies of the Parliament will consider the responsibility of the Prime Minister Sapar Isakov and vice prime ministers for the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, which the Parliament ratified on December 27.

President Sooronbai Jeenbekov imposed a veto on the document and returned it with objections regarding the timing of the entry into force of the Code.

Iskhak Masaliyev, deputy of Onuguu-Progress faction, noted after the speech of Deputy Prime Minister Dair Kenekeyev that it was a political mistake — when submitting the draft of the Customs Code, it was stated that it would enter into force no later than 15 days from the date of its adoption, and it will start working in all the countries of the EEU on January 1.

No one paid attention to this. As a result, it turns out that we incorrectly ratified it concerning the date of its entry. That is why I say that we should consider the responsibility of the Prime Minister and other ministers.

Iskhak Masaliyev

The deputy added that the Prime Minister and other members of the government, namely the heads of relevant departments, should be punished. Only people’s deputies can consider the degree of their responsibility, since the Cabinet is formed and approved exactly by the Parliament. People’s deputies stressed that this was not the first mistake of Sapar Isakov and representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers.

As a result, the deputies adopted the amended version of the draft law on the entry of the Customs Code of the EEU into force.

The Customs Code of EEU will enter into force on January 1, 2018. The document maximally transfers the customs control to the stage after the release of goods and allows using a number of delays in payment of customs duties. In addition, the Code allows using the latest developments in electronic registration of goods and workflow.
