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EEU forms requirements for online shopping

The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission approved common approaches in the field of consumer rights protection in online trading, the EEC site reported.

The document is developed in the form of recommendations. It will allow consumers to receive all necessary and reliable information about the goods. This will help them to make the right choice when making purchases through the Internet and correctly assess their costs. As the member of the board (minister) for technical regulation of the EEC Valery Koreshkov noted, a list of requirements for online shops of allied countries has been formed.

Online sellers should post on their sites the fullest information about the offered goods or services, including information about the main consumer properties and technical characteristics, the price and terms of purchase of the goods, information about the warranty period, the service life or the expiration date.

The procedure for obtaining information on the conditions, timing and order of possible termination of the transaction was established. In the national legislation of the EEU countries it is proposed to provide for provisions allowing equally ensuring the consumer rights of citizens of the countries of the union.

«It will be possible to remotely resolve disputes and establish requirements for the conditions and procedure for drawing up contracts with the consumer, the font size of the text and the information specified in the contracts. The countries of the EEU will determine the responsibility of the seller, who has not provided the buyer with complete and reliable information about the goods (work, service),» the report says.
