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Employees of Ak-Tyuz plant fear to hold strike

Employees of Ak-Tyuz plant fear to hold a strike. The former chairman of the trade union Dokturbek Maychiev announced today at a press conference.

According to him, six people were dismissed illegally, other 36 resigned voluntarily because they were tired of tolerating salary delays. «People are frightened. Those who can not find another job are silent. They are afraid of being fired. The management receives 200,000 soms as salary, while employees — 15,000-20,000. I suggested to reduce salaries to management, after that I was fired,» Dokturbek Maychiev said.

He added that the employees tried to contact the company’s management in Moscow, but there was no response. «The problems started in January, when the director was replaced. Before this, there were no salary delays, the employees were treated with respect,» Dokturbek Maychiev told.

The work of Ak-Tyuz processing plant was completely stopped on June 28 due to non-fulfillment of demands for the payment of wages, provision of overalls and renewal of labor contracts.
