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Electricity is almost free in Kyrgyzstan, MP believes

MP Zhenishbek Toktorbaev asked Energy Minister Taalaibek Ibraev at a meeting of the Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Subsoil Use and Industrial Policy of the Parliament how much electricity costs in other countries.

The minister informed that the electricity tariff for the population in Uzbekistan is 2.60 soms, in Ukraine — 3.90 soms, in Azerbaijan — 4.70 soms, in Kazakhstan — 4.90 soms and in Russia — 6.60 soms.

«It turns out that we get electricity almost for free,» the deputy said.

The current electricity tariff for the population in Kyrgyzstan is 1.11 soms. In May, 1 kilowatt of electricity will rise in price to 1.37 soms.
