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Emergencies Ministry plans to purchase 80 units of engineering equipment by 2025

By 2025, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan plans to purchase 80 units of engineering equipment to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations. The First Deputy Minister, Azamat Mambetov, reported.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations aims to increase attention to issues of prevention and response to emergency situations. In particular, the Hydrometeorological Service, together with the World Bank, completed the first stage of modernization of the forecasting system, including the installation of automatic weather stations. At the second stage, it is planned to purchase powerful radar installations to improve the accuracy of forecasts.

In addition, the ministry is implementing a project for safety in the zone of impact of mudflows on large rivers such as Kogart and Karadarya. As part of the project, several dams will be built, after which the freed lands will be transferred to agriculture and used for afforestation.

As Azamat Mambetov said, the purchase of engineering equipment is planned for the end of this year or early 2025. However, he did not specify the amount that would be required to purchase the equipment.

Recall, the damage from emergencies exceeded 1.3 billion soms in 2024.
