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Kamchybek Tashiev participates in opening of mosque in Zhany-Aryk

The head of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS), Kamchybek Tashiev, took part in the opening ceremony of the reconstructed Azatbek Azhy mosque in Zhany-Aryk village, Kara-Suu district. The Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The ceremony took place on June 14. It was also attended by the mufti of Muslims of the Kyrgyz Republic Abdulaziz kary Zakirov, kazy of Muslims of Osh region Abibilla azhy Kadyrberdiev, religious figures and local residents.

«Before reconstruction, the mosque could accommodate only 350 people, but today it has turned into a modern mosque with a capacity of 1,000 people. Azatbek Azhy mosque is located along Osh-Bishkek road. This will create convenience not only for local residents, but also for fellow travelers. There is also a prayer hall for women in one part of the mosque,» ​​the statement says.

According to the muftiyat, the construction work was fully financed by Ravshan Sabirov (former deputy of the Parliament of the seventh convocation, native of Zhany-Aryk village. — Note of 24.kg news agency).

At the end of the event, a capsule was laid at the construction site of the Islamic educational center Anarkan Azhy Ene.
