A cardiac surgery department was opened in the medical clinic of Osh State University. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan reported.
«The President gave full right to five higher education institutions to autonomously make decisions. They have become educational institutions of the fourth generation. Students not only master knowledge and skills, they use them in production, successfully monetize them. There are no boundaries for science and education now. Thus, the Osh State University is among the leading educational institutions in the exchange of best practices,» the Minister of Education Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva said at the opening ceremony of the department.
The cardiac surgery department was commissioned on the eve of the 85th anniversary of the Osh State University. It is equipped with modern medical equipment. Earlier, an open-heart surgery without cardiac arrest was performed in the medical clinic for the first time.
In July 2022, the head of state signed the Decree «On measures to increase the potential and competitiveness of educational organizations of higher professional education in the Kyrgyz Republic.» The document granted special status to five state higher education institutions. The decree provides these universities with financial, organizational, and academic autonomy.