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Prices for operations increase at Kyrgyz-Turkish Friendship Hospital

Prices for surgeries have increased at the Kyrgyz-Turkish Friendship Hospital. The Deputy Minister of Health of Kyrgyzstan Zhalalidin Rakhmatullaev told.

He noted that, despite the increase, prices in the hospital are now much lower than in other medical institutions.

«From the very beginning, we have performed stenting. It includes consultation with doctors, angiography and installation of a stent. Previously, it all cost 50,000 soms. But due to the rise in price of some services, the cost of treatment has also increased. Therefore, consultation with installation of a stent is performed for 75,000 soms. If one more stent is installed, then 25,000 more soms are paid,» the Deputy Minister said.

He stressed that, nevertheless, treatment in the hospital is affordable for all citizens.

The Kyrgyz-Turkish Friendship Hospital began admitting patients on August 26. Thirty doctors and technicians arrived from Turkey. There are a total of 72 beds in the hospital, 21 of which are in intensive care unit.

The list and cost of medical services provided by the hospital has been developed and approved by the antimonopoly committee. Foreigners will have access to paid medical services in accordance with a separate price list.

Construction of the clinic at the expense of a grant from Turkey began in June 2016 and was completed in November 2017. During the peak of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, it was temporarily opened to receive and treat patients infected with COVID-19.
