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Sadyr Japarov announces appointment of new personnel to state service

Prime Minister Sadyr Japarov signed a number of personnel decisions to recruit new personnel to the state and municipal civil service and speed up the process of lustration. The Information Policy Department of the Cabinet Office reported.

He signed orders according to which:

— Amanbaev Baktybek Abdilashimovich (born in 1969) was appointed as the acting head of the Government Office-Minister;

— Niyazbekov Ulanbek Omokanovich (born in 1975) was appointed the acting Minister of Internal Affairs;

— Abdyldaev Sagynbek Tokonovich (born 1969) was appointed the Chairman of the State Service for Combating Economic Crimes (Financial Police);

— Egemberdiev Askat Raimzhanovich (born in 1968) was appointed Chairman of the State Penitentiary Service;

— Ashimbaev Sabyrkul Abasovich (born in 1968) was appointed the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government in Naryn region;

— Buzurmankulov Aibek Myrzakerimovich (born in 1983) was appointed the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government in Talas region.
