USD 86.46
EUR 93.37
RUB 1.03

Foreigners arrived in Kyrgyzstan can register online

Foreign citizens can online apply for temporary registration in Kyrgyzstan. The application procedure is available on the electronic services portal of the State Registration Service portal.srs.kg.

To submit an electronic application, an applicant must log in on the electronic services portal using a biometric ID card. He or she has to select «Registration of a foreign citizen at place of temporary residence» in the catalog of services and fill in the data in accordance with the form and sign the consent to processing of personal data.

Status of processing of an application can be checked in «Personal Account.»

Upon successful consideration, an electronic application number will be generated, with which it is necessary to apply to any passport department, where a certificate of temporary registration will be issued.

In the near future, it is planned to connect online payment of state duty through VISA and MasterCard cards, which will allow citizens to make non-cash payments on their own.
