USD 87.25
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Cost estimate for Bishkek HPP grows by 3 million soms

Electric Stations OJSC posted an additional announcement for 2.9 million soms for the preparation of an estimate documentation for Modernization of Bishkek HPP project. State procurement portal says.

The Kyrgyz State Research Design and Survey Institute Energoproekt is ready to do the work for 11.7 million soms. Electric Stations company allocated 13.6 million soms. Allocating additional 2.9 million soms, the company will exceed the budget by 1 million soms.

The estimated calculation will be made at the time of the conclusion of a contract agreement dated July 16, 2013 for the implementation of Modernization of Bishkek HPP project.

Recall, the Accounts Chamber revealed that no specific cost estimates were drawn up during the modernization of the heating plant. The work was carried out by the Chinese company TBEA, a loan of $ 386 million was provided by Exim Bank of China.

Electric Stations company does not comment on why the cost estimates are made after the modernization of the HPP.
