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Chinese TBEA company to carry out repairs at Bishkek HPP again

The authorities of Kyrgyzstan are engaging TBEA company in overhaul of two units at the Bishkek Heating and Power Plant (HPP). A Memorandum was signed between the Ministry of Energy and the Chinese company.

Earlier, the Minister of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Taalaibek Ibraev, met with the Chairman of the Board of TBEA, Zhang Xin. The parties discussed increasing the active electrical and thermal power of the modernized part of the heating and power plant to the design level and carrying out current and major repairs of units No. 3 and No. 4 due to wear and tear of the equipment.

As a result, it was decided that TBEA will send specialists to repair units No. 3 and No. 4 with training of HPP employees for further independent repair work.

In addition, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with TBEA on the overhaul of blocks No. 3 and No. 4 of the Bishkek HPP at Kyrgyzstan — China (XUAR) Business Forum, held on Tuesday. The contract amount is not yet known.

A serious breakdown occurred at the Bishkek HPP on January 26, 2018. There were no casualties, but the reliability of Kyrgyzstan’s energy system was greatly undermined. Modernization of the HPP had been just completed. It was reported that it was ready for winter loads, and the top officials of the state solemnly cut the red ribbon.

A couple of months later, severe frosts occurred and the capital was left without heating and hot water. At the same time, it turned out that the new unit, built by the Chinese company TBEA for $386 million, was not capable of producing heat.