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Farmers suffer losses due to Uzbekistan’s ban on import of Kyrgyz potatoes

Farmers are suffering losses due to Uzbekistan’s ban on import of Kyrgyz potatoes. Deputy of Parliament Irina Karamushkina announced this today at a meeting of the Parliament.

According to her, the government said in February that potatoes would be exported to Uzbekistan. In summer, the Republic of Uzbekistan imposed a ban on its import. The Ministry of Agriculture does not explain what work was done to lift the ban.

«Entrepreneurs cannot sell potatoes for even 5 soms per kilogram. They have no place to store it. Many took loans. Now they do not even harvest it, because it is not profitable to invest money in rent of equipment,» said Irina Karamushkina.

Earlier, the director of the Plant Quarantine Department, Amangeldy Isaev, said that farmers expected to harvest up to 1 million tons of potatoes.
