USD 87.45
EUR 90.16
RUB 0.85

U.S. dollar falls in price by 30 tyiyns for 3 days in Kyrgyzstan

U.S. dollar started falling in price after an intervention of the National Bank. It lost 30 tyiyns in price for 3 days.

Today, the capital’s exchange offices and commercial banks buy the U.S. currency for 68.9-69.2 soms and sell — for 69.3-69.6 soms.

As a result, the nominal rate set by the National Bank turned out to be higher than the market rate — 69,6506 soms (a drop of 0.12 percent).

The dollar began to go up last week and almost reached 70 soms. This forced the National Bank to intervene and sell $ 19,650 million. Results of the intervention appeared by the end of the week.
