USD 87.44
EUR 94.43
RUB 0.97

Chyngyz-Ordo complex to be built in memory of Aitmatov

Chyngyz-Ordo complex will be built in Kyrgyzstan in memory of the famous writer Chyngyz Aitmatov. Prime Minister Sapar Isakov signed a government decree.

The document stipulates the transfer of lands, located in the territory of Sheker rural area of Kara-Buura district of Talas region, from agricultural land category into specially protected natural areas category.

This is 15 hectares plot, 6.1 hectares of which are perennial plants, 5.3 hectares — irrigated arable land, and 3.6 hectares are state-owned pastures.

Physical culture and health, historical and cultural memorial complex Chyngyz-Ordo will be built there.
