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Atyr Abdrakhmatova removed from post of deputy сhairwoman of CEC

The members of the Central Election Commission voted today for the removal of Atyr Abdrakhmatova from the post of deputy head of the CEC. The decision was made today.

The commission’s resolution stated that «Atyr Abdrakhmatova doesn’t properly perform duties and violates the principles of the CEC member’s work, and also behaves rudely and unethically and, using her official position, presses on the staff of the department.»

Atyr Abdrakhmatova remains in the CEC.

The former deputy head of the CEC said that she expected such a decision.

Note, Atyr Abdrakhmatova has repeatedly stated in the media about double standards of the work of the commission, in particular, when some politicians — Omurbek Tekebayev, Kanatbek Isaev — were denied registration as presidential candidates. She also spoke about systematic violations on the day of presidential elections on October 15 and about the lack of proper reaction from the Central Election Commission, faulted the head of the commission Nurzhan Shaildabekova for double standards in the work.
