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Presidential election-2017. What should voter know?

50 people still applying for the post of president of the country. Initially, 59 candidates intended to compete for the presidency.

Of those wishing to participate in the race — 48 self-nominees and 11 representatives from political parties. All seven women candidates are self-nominated.

Until August 31, they must submit all necessary documents for registration, which will last until September 10.

Temir Sariev was the first to register as a presidential candidate. The second is — Omurbek Babanov. Today resigned as prime minister Sooronbai Jeenbekov was registered.

Presidential elections will be conducted using biometric data of voters. Elections will be held on October 15, 2017.

24.kg news agency prepared instructions on what citizens of the country intending to participate in the voting should know.


What is biometric data and what for?

Biometric data are the measurable physiological data of a living person. They are unique, so they are used to identify the user, in this case the voter.


When did voting with the use of biometrics become official in Kyrgyzstan?

When the country’s president, Almazbek Atambayev, in January 2016, signed amendments to the law «On Elections of Deputies of Local Councils.» The document provides for the use of innovative technologies based on biometric data, electronic voter lists and automatic reading boxes, approved at the elections of the deputies of the parliament in 2015. Since 2015, the election results are based on the biometric data of voters.


I decided to vote, but didn’t pass biometric data, what should I do?

Recall, all citizens of Kyrgyzstan, who have reached the age of 16, must pass through the biometric registration when they receive a passport. If you haven’t passed the data yet, you can do it at any point of collection of biometrics, regardless of the place of registration.


I have already passed the biometrics. Can I vote?

It is necessary to check yourself in the electoral lists. The State Registration Service (SRS) previously registered 2,813 million people in the voters’ lists for the referendum, and 2,319 million people for participation in the elections to local councils, held on December 11, 2016. Lists all over the republic can be viewed on the site shailoo.srs.kg.


When can I get acquainted with the list of voters and clarify myself in it?

Preliminary voter lists will appear on the official website of the CEC of the KR no later than 60 calendar days before the voting day (until August 16) for review and corresponding clarification of the specified data, identification of errors and inaccuracies.


When will the reception of applications of voters in the PEC begin, if an error is found in the list?

Acceptance of applications to the PEC from voters who have passed biometric registration in order to clarify the error or inaccuracy in the list is made no later than 15 calendar days before the voting day, that is, until September 30.


What documents are needed when applying, if I want to vote on my actual address?

The application should be accompanied by copies of the passport of the citizen (ID-card), and in the absence of it — a citizen’s passport of a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic, an official or diplomatic passport. The passport of a Kyrgyz citizen of 1994 is not valid.

All these papers, including the application, must be immediately transferred to the SRS for inclusion in the voters list at the declared electoral address. The PEC will deal with it.


When will the voter lists be posted at polling stations?

The voter checklist for review on the site will occur 20 calendar days before the election, that is, on September 24.


Day of voting has come. I’m on the site, what’s next?

First you need to come to the site, verify your identity, go through fingerprint identification procedure, get a check with the number in the voters list and go to the voting booth. If the equipment doesn’t work and you pass the identification procedure from the second time, you get two checks on your hands, confirming that you have indicated your presence on the site.


I passed biometrics, I’m on the voter lists. But the device doesn’t define me. What to do?

Traditionally, fingerprints are used for biometric identification. If they are not defined, then you can use the rest of your fingers. If it didn’t work out that way, then you failed to vote. You can turn to the PEC with a complaint, as well as approach independent observers, ask them to fix this fact, so that nobody can use your voice.


What can’t be done when you vote?

You can’t take pictures of the ballot. This is strictly prohibited. If you photographed the bulletin, then this is an administratively punishable act and is punishable by a fine of up to 100 calculated indicators (10,000 soms). In this case, you will be deprived of the right to vote.

No tick-tack-toe, flowers and gears can be placed opposite the name of a presidential candidate. Only check sign and only with a pen. No pencil, no felt-tip pen, no goose feather. Otherwise, the ballot will be considered invalid.

Don’t draw on the ballot, leave any notes in the fields. Don’t write in the ballot what you think about the candidate. It will also be declared invalid.

Remember, your choice can be indicated only by a check sign and it should be in a tick box next to the name of the candidate for the presidential post.

And everyone should remember: participation in any election campaign is your civic duty. Don’t like any of the candidates? Vote against all.
