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Sadyr Japarov tells about fate of Kyrgyz houses in Tajikistan

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov told Kabar news agency about the conditions for resolving the Kyrgyz-Tajik border issue and the fate of houses located in a checkerboard pattern.

According to him, the border issue has been practically resolved and bilateral work on formalizing the documents is underway.

«Once this process is complete, the intergovernmental commissions will sign the documents, followed by the foreign ministers. The agreement will then be ratified by the parliaments of both countries. After that, we, the presidents, will sign it. An exchange of notes will follow, and only then demarcation work, which will take 1–2 more years, will begin. Only after this the process will be fully completed,» the president explained.

The head of state emphasized that the most important thing is that bilateral agreements have been reached.

«To answer the question in whose favor the issue was resolved, I would say this: when resolving border disputes between two countries, it is impossible to consider only one side’s interests. A decision is made only when the interests of both sides are taken into account. We have about a thousand kilometers of borders. There were disputed territories in many areas. In some cases, they were divided equally,» Sadyr Japarov said.

The president noted that there are border villages where houses are located in a checkerboard pattern.

«We have resolved this issue. Otherwise, border protection would have caused significant inconveniences for both sides. If houses belonging to Tajik citizens ended up on our side, the Tajik side will relocate them. If our houses are on their side, we will relocate our citizens. We will build houses for them in another place, taking into account the size of the land plots. Thus, the issues were resolved taking into account every meter of land,» he said.

Sadyr Japarov concluded by stating that detailed information will be provided when demarcation work begins.
