Eight companies have been included in the register of bona fide entrepreneurs of Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Economy and Commerce reported.
According to the ministry, applications from entrepreneurs for inclusion in this list were selected. An interdepartmental commission for the selection of business entities chose the following organizations:
- Alaiku Organics LLC;
- Alliance Altyn LLC;
- Cool Bros LLC;
- Aiko-Seiko LLC;
- Adji Service LLC;
- Coca-Cola Bishkek Bottlers CJSC;
- Bai Dyikan LLC;
- Demir Kyrgyz International Bank CJSC.
An entrepreneur included in the register:
- Receives free airtime on state TV channels for media advertising;
- Receives tax and customs services out of turn;
- Participates in international exhibitions, fairs, forums from the Kyrgyz Republic free of charge;
- Is exempt from inspections for three years by state regulatory bodies, with the exception of inspections carried out in accordance with the tax legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, from the moment of inclusion in the register of bona fide entrepreneurs;
- Receives referential financing within the framework of the implementation of state lending programs.