The Central Commission for Elections and Referendums of Kyrgyzstan (CEC) has approved the budget for the preparation and holding of elections of local council deputies scheduled for November 17. The CEC website says.
Estimate of costs of 495,718.4 million soms includes activities, the financing of which from the state budget is provided for by the election legislation.
Of these:
- 201,880.6 million soms are centralized expenses for organizing elections: for informing, training commissions, providing communications, printing information materials, delivery of election equipment, election documents and handouts to the regions, etc.
- 293,837.8 million soms - to ensure the activities of 56 territorial election commissions and 2, 439 precinct election commissions.
According to preliminary data as of September 23, there are 4,114, 931 voters in the republic.
The amount of expenses per voter is 120.46 soms.
The CEC noted that, in accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 14, 2023 No. 468-r, in order to ensure transparency, openness and accountability in the financing of elections, the automated information system "Centralized Accounting" is used and financial support for members of election commissions and employees of the TECs and PECs will be carried out according to the approved estimate in non-cash form through the banking institutions RSK Bank OJSC and Aiyl Bank OJSC.
The presidential decree "On the dissolution of local councils and calling the elections of deputies of local councils" was issued on September 6. At least 484 local councils are subject to dissolution. Elections of deputies of 249 local councils (list is at the link) are scheduled for November 17.