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Fight against extremism: Kyrgyzstan switches to new methods of prevention

Kyrgyzstan is switching to new methods of prevention in the fight against extremism. Deputy Director of the State Commission on Religious Affairs Zamir Kozhomberdiev announced at a briefing.

According to him, new methods will be focused on the Internet space, since the large part of young people are involved in destructive ideology through social media.

«The State Commission on Religious Affairs, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is starting to develop new methods; we will focus on high-quality preventive measures. We show slides to students, tell about religion; after seeing posts on this topic on the Internet, young people become interested and ask questions,» Zamir Kozhomberdiev said.

Director of the Institute of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting Aman Saliev emphasized that prevention gives great results.

«We chose the right strategy of prevention rather than forceful suppression. We were able to avoid those difficult and crisis situations that developed in neighboring republics, where the emphasis was placed on the force method. This led to the fact that our neighbors had an armed, underground, uncontrolled opposition,» he said.

According to Ratbek Turusbekov, an employee of the Service for Combating Extremism and Illegal Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one of the effective methods of prevention of extremism is also the presentation of theatrical shows.
