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Energy Ministry of Kyrgyzstan proposes to increase electricity tariffs from May

The Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan proposes to amend the resolution «On approval of the medium-term tariff policy for electric energy for 2021-2025» dated September 30, 2021 No. 192. The document has been submitted for public discussion.

The Ministry of Energy has not yet presented new electricity tariffs. It only proposes to make changes regarding the timing of their introduction.

The current tariff policy provides for the establishment of tariffs for all consumer groups until 2025 with annual adjustments for inflation.

Tariff adjustments are envisaged from June 1, 2024.

«To obtain additional funds to cover the deficit in the energy sector, the draft proposes to transfer the deadline for adjusting electricity tariffs from June 1 to May 1,» the background statement says.
