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Parliament plans to use Face ID and Touch ID when voting

The Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial, Legal Issues and Regulations of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan approved amendments to the Law on the Regulations of the Parliament in the first reading.

The initiators are deputies Marlen Mamataliev and Nurlanbek Azygaliev.

Marlen Mamataliev noted that the draft law proposes to introduce a rule on hearing information from the Cabinet of Ministers on socially significant issues as necessary. «In addition, it is proposed to move the «Miscellaneous» section from Thursday to Wednesday in order to consider voter issues as a priority,» he said.

Deputy Zhusupbek Korgonbai uulu proposed using Face ID and Touch ID at voting meetings.

 «There is a lot of talk about how deputies push buttons for each other when voting at meetings. Two years ago you said that you would bring equipment from Korea that would allow you to vote using fingerprinting. Many people may not like this kind of voting, but sooner or later we will come to this. Society demands, for example, if a parliament deputy could not come to a meeting, that no one can vote in his place,» he added.

Marlen Mamataliev responded that relevant work is underway on the issue of introducing Face ID and Touch ID when voting.

 «We entered into an agreement with Korea for $8 million. The software is being developed now. In 2024, equipment and tablets will be purchased. If this happens, then we will vote only using a fingerprint or Face ID. Registration will follow the same principle. And we will enter meetings not with papers, but with tablets,» he said.
