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Leila Saralaeva becomes representative of Reporters Without Borders in KR

Well-known journalist Leila Saralaeva became a representative of the international non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders in Kyrgyzstan. She told 24.kg news agency about it.

According to her, she will defend the rights of journalists of the Kyrgyz Republic on international platforms within the mandate of Reporters Without Borders, help compile an annual freedom of speech rating and monitor lawsuits against the media.

«I will be more engaged in support, recording and compiling ratings,» Leila Saralaeva explained.

According to her, previously there was no representative of the organization in Kyrgyzstan since the early 2000s.

Reporters Without Borders was founded in 1985 in Montpellier, its central office is in Paris. The organization’s motto: «Without a free press, no fight will be heard.» It fights against censorship and for the release of journalists imprisoned because of their professional activities.

According to the results of 2022, Kyrgyzstan dropped 50 positions in the rating of countries on the level of freedom of the press, taking 122nd place out of 180. The ranking was published by the international organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on May 3, on the World Press Freedom Day.
