Parliamentary deputy Dastan Bekeshev once again raises the issue of abolishing the dress code for visitors of the White House. His Telegram channel says.
According to the MP, he is preparing amendments to the relevant law, "so that there would be no clothing requirements for citizens who simply come to see a deputy."
Dastan Bekeshev called such requirements discrimination. "Those who are not dressed in a suit are not allowed into Parliament. It shouldn't be like this. Such bad practices are allowed again. The state security guards are already like the beholders who decide who can and who can't enter. In short, people are judged by the clothes," he said.
It is worth reminding this is not the first time the parliamentarian proposes to abandon the unnecessary dress code practice for visitors.
In January 2019, Talantbek Tynysov, a representative of the Agency for Elementary Vocational Education, was kicked out of the Parliament, humiliating his dignity, for his unkempt appearance. Deputies began to reproach the official for coming to Parliament in a T-shirt. In fact, the man was wearing a sweater. But the members of the Parliament did not like it anyway. Dastan Bekeshev stood up for him.
Journalists working in Parliament are also required to adhere to the dress code.