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Vaccination data available in Travel without COVID-19 app in Kyrgyzstan

Information about vaccination against COVID-19 is now available in Travel without COVID-19 mobile application. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The ministry, together with representatives of the Eurasian Development Bank (developers of the mobile application Travel without COVID-19), in a test mode, launched an international digital service for downloading vaccination data.

To upload data to Travel without COVID-19 mobile application, you have to:

  1. Update Travel without COVID-19 mobile application.
  2. Scan a document used for travel, using a smartphone camera in the «Profile» section.
  3. Click «Add vaccination» button in the «Vaccination» section. Select the country «Kyrgyzstan» and click «Continue» button.
  4. Next, you need to select the previously scanned passport and click «Continue» button.
  5. Re-generate the vaccination certificate. An additional QR code should appear in the lower right corner.
  6. After that, it is necessary to scan the QR code located in the lower right corner of the COVID-19 vaccination certificate, which can be obtained on the official website, through the state portal of electronic services and electronic wallets of cellular operators.

After that, information about the vaccination will be available in Travel without COVID-19 application.
