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Health Minister insists: Vaccination against COVID-19 makes sense

Vaccination against COVID-19 makes sense, the Minister of Health and Social Development of Kyrgyzstan Alymkadyr Beishenaliev, who had previously been diagnosed with coronavirus, believes.

He was among the first vaccinated in Kyrgyzstan, but believes that the antibodies did not have time to develop. He was vaccinated with the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine.

«There is a sense in vaccination. I will prove it: I will go to work, I will recover tomorrow. You have to get vaccinated,» Alymkadyr Beishenaliev told 24.kg news agency, addressing the Kyrgyzstanis.

Earlier it was reported about medical workers who got infected after vaccination.

According to the Republican Center for Immunoprophylaxis, the Sinopharm vaccine is 80 percent effective. This means that there is no 100 percent protection.

«But you need to remember and know: even if a person gets sick, the disease will have a milder form and will pass without complications in comparison with the unvaccinated,» the center stressed.

According to experts, immunity appears on average three weeks after the second dose of the two-component vaccine. By skipping the second dose, the person «virtually brings to naught the effectiveness of the first dose,» the epidemiologists explained.
