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Unique brain surgery performed in Bishkek

Doctors performed a unique brain surgery in Bishkek. Head of the Department of Endovascular Surgery of the National Institute of Heart Surgery and Organ Transplantation Abai Turdubaev posted on Facebook.

«Endovascular embolization of a cerebral aneurysm after an open clipping operation was for the first time performed in Bishkek. On the basis of the Republican Hospital, the patient underwent the clipping operation in 2015. However, she had recanalization of the aneurysm, in connection with which it was decided to close the aneurysm in an endovascular way,» he wrote.

A cerebral aneurysm is a pathological local protrusion of the artery wall. The disease often affects the vessels, inside which blood flows under high pressure and leads to its increase in size.

❗️УНИКАЛЬНАЯ ОПЕРАЦИЯ ❗️ ВПЕРВЫЕ в Бишкеке на базе «НИИ Хирургии Сердца и Трансплантации Органов» МЗ КР выполнена...

Опубликовано Abai Turdubaev Понедельник, 10 мая 2021 г.
