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EAEU to develop new standards

The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) considered a number of issues in the field of technical regulation. Press service of the EEC reports.

In particular, a program for development of interstate standards for the technical regulation «Requirements for safety of food additives, flavorings and technological aids» was approved. Development of 130 interstate standards is envisaged, including one based on international ISO standards, two — based on regional EN standards, 24 — based on national (state) standards.

In addition, the program for development of interstate standards for the technical regulation «On safety of equipment for work in explosive environment» has been updated.

«Development of four interstate standards until 2023 by the Republic of Belarus, eight interstate standards with different terms and amendments to one interstate standard until 2020 by the Russian Federation is planned. Development of one interstate standard by Kazakhstan until 2021 is also planned,» the statement says.
