USD 88.81
EUR 95.39
RUB 0.96

Exchange rate of U.S. dollar close to 81 soms in Kyrgyzstan

Exchange rate of the U.S. dollar continues to grow in Kyrgyzstan and it is already close to 81 soms.

Today, the American currency is bought for 80.1-80.4 soms, and sold for 80.5-80.8 soms. During the day, it appreciated by 1 som.

The nominal rate was set by the National Bank at 79,6813 soms (0.03 percent growth).

Exchange rate of the Russian ruble remains stable. Today it is bought for 1.02-1.03 soms, sold for 1,045-1.05 soms. The official exchange rate is 1,0311 soms (0.04 percent growth).
