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Officials study possibility of resuming educational process in schools

The issue of resuming educational process in schools of Kyrgyzstan in traditional form is repeatedly on the agenda. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science informed 24.kg news agency.

According to it, the possibility of opening general education institutions is studied together with the Ministry of Health.

Some schools said that classes would resume from next Monday, October 19.

The ministry has not voiced specific dates yet. «There are several options, they will be proposed at a meeting of the Republican Emergency Response Center today. We are waiting for a decision,» the ministry said.

Only first-graders attended educational institutions of Kyrgyzstan since September 1, the rest of the children learned remotely. From October 6, students of 2-6 grades were supposed to start attending schools. However, due to the unrest after the parliamentary elections, all students were transferred to online education.

Distance learning was introduced after the outbreak of coronavirus. COVID-19 incidence has been increasing in recent days. At least 343 cases have been registered over the past day. Ten people have died in the last three days.
