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Weather alert: Thunderstorms expected in Kyrgyzstan

Unstable weather is expected in Kyrgyzstan on April 28-30. Press service of the Ministry of Emergencies reported.

Precipitations are expected in some areas of the republic in the afternoon on April 28. Rains, thunderstorms and snow in high mountain areas are forecast for April 29-30 on most of the territory of the republic. Heavy precipitations are expected in some areas.

West wind will reach 4-9 meters per second with a gain of up to 17-22 m / s in some areas.

A drop in air temperature is expected.

Such unstable weather will complicate agricultural works, grazing and keeping livestock on pastures, work of vehicles, communications, energy and utilities enterprises.

In connection with the expected local rain showers in the period from April 29 to May 3, water level will expectedly rise in the rivers of Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken regions. Mudflows are possible in mountain and foothill areas.
