USD 88.57
EUR 95.33
RUB 0.97

Volume of mutual trade between Kyrgyzstan and Russia reaches $ 1.9 billion

Trade turnover between Russia and Kyrgyzstan in 2018 grew by 17 percent and amounted to almost $ 1.9 billion. The Russian Export Center presented such data.

The main share in the trade is the export of goods from Russia and Kyrgyzstan — $ 1.6 billion. Over the year, exports grew by 16.9 percent, while imports increased by 17.1 percent.

«Over the past two years, the negative growth dynamics has become positive, and we intend to maintain such rates of bilateral trade,» Andrey Slepnev, General Director of the Russian Export Center, said.

There has been a noticeable interest of the Russian exporters in bringing their own competitive products to the Kyrgyz market. Russian-Kyrgyz cooperation today is developing in a number of areas — products of the agro-industrial and timber industry complexes, metal products.
