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SDPK faction leader Isa Omurkulov expelled from party

Political council of SDPK decided at its meeting the day before to expel the leader of the parliamentary faction of the Social Democrats, Isa Omurkulov, from the ranks of the party.

According to the press service of the political organization, Isa Omurkulov was expelled from SDPK for actions contrary to the main goals, objectives and charter of the party.

Deputies of SDPK parliamentary faction in Parliament were recommended to vote Isa Omurkulov out of office.

Earlier, the leader of SDPK without Atambayev movement, a former member of the party Sagynbek Abdrakhmanov, told reporters that he had met with Isa Omurkulov, who had supported them. According to him, the leader of the Social Democrats faction supported the movement’s intention to hold an extraordinary congress of SDPK in Bishkek, where it will be proposed to exclude Almazbek Atambayev from the party ranks.

The official representative of the Social Democrats, Kunduz Zholdubaeva, called Isa Omurkulova a traitor.

The political council of the party also decided to convene the 18th party congress on April 6, 2019. Almazbek Atambayev was approved as the head of the organizing committee.

Deputy of the Parliament Irina Karamushkina was elected Deputy Chairwoman of SDPK.

Thus, the press service clarifies that the leaders of the SDPK are its chairman Almazbek Atambayev, four his deputies Muradyl Mademinov, Asel Koduranova, Irina Karamushkina, Sapar Isakov, and the head of the party’s secretariat Taalaibek Usubaliev.
